This website is created as an informing and learning resourse for persons and organizations concerned with problems of tobacco control.
All materials, published on this website, either are developed by site's authors and members of Coalition or taken from open sources.
All materials are published with non-commercial purposes and exclusively for familiarization with them.
Library sections
Health Information
Nicotine is an addictive drug. It causes changes in the brain that make people want to use it more and more. In addition, addictive drugs cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. The good feelings that result when an addictive drug is present - and the bad feelings when it's absent - make breaking any addiction very difficult. Nicotine addiction has historically been one of the hardest addictions to break.
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Behind Smokescreen
Article by Tatiana Tarakanova, describes activities of transnational tobacco industry in Russia, in particular - in the region of Povolzhe. Published on March 10, 2008 in "Delovoe Povolzhe".
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Global Youth Tobacco Surveillance, 2000 - 2007.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Surveillance Summaries January 25, 2008 / Vol. 57 / No. SS-1. The findings from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) suggest that the estimate of a doubling of deaths from smoking (from 5 million per year to approximately 10 million per year by 2020) might be an underestimate.
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Changes in child exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (CHETS) study after implementation of smoke-free legislation in Scotland: national cross sectional survey
Patricia C Akhtar, Dorothy B Currie, Candace E Currie and Sally J Haw. BMJ 2007;335;545-; originally published online 9 Sep 2007;doi:10.1136/bmj.39311.550197.AE. Available to registered users only for previewing purposes.
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Regulation & Economics
The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is the first treaty negotiated under the auspices of the World Health Organization. The WHO FCTC is an evidence-based treaty that reaffirms the right of all people to the highest standard of health. The WHO FCTC represents a paradigm shift in developing a regulatory strategy to address addictive substances; in contrast to previous drug control treaties, the WHO FCTC asserts the importance of demand reduction strategies as well as supply issues.
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Donskoy Tobacco will pack hookah tobacco
For the first time in its history, Donskoy Tabak company will start at its production facilities manufacturing hookah tobacco of the International Tobacco Group. The department of the chief tobacco developer has created several flavors of the product.
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State Duma deputy – complete ban on alcohol and tobacco advertising will make nation healthier
The ban on advertising of alcoholic and tobacco products in all types of transport, which has been approved on April 2, 2008 in the first reading, will reduce the harmful effects on young people and will make the nation healthier in general. First deputy leader of the fraction of the United Russia party Tatyana Yakovleva said this to journalists on Wednesday, Rosbalt correspondent reported.
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Work Injury: Smoke Affects Everybody
Article by Ilia Kolmanovsky, presenting several new facts on smoking and quitting smoking. Published on March 13, 2008 in newspaper "Vedomosti".
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The mass media have played an important role in efforts to control and prevent tobacco use. To recognize the effectiveness of these efforts, the theme of the seventh World No-Tobacco Day, hold May 31, 1994, was "The Media and Tobacco: Getting the Health Message Across."
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State Duma deputy – complete ban on alcohol and tobacco advertising will make nation healthier
The ban on advertising of alcoholic and tobacco products in all types of transport, which has been approved on April 2, 2008 in the first reading, will reduce the harmful effects on young people and will make the nation healthier in general. First deputy leader of the fraction of the United Russia party Tatyana Yakovleva said this to journalists on Wednesday, Rosbalt correspondent reported.
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Tobacco somersault
Article by Valery Lykov, psychotherapist of Drug Addiction
Treatment Clinic # 9 of Central Administrative District of Moscow, PhD in medicine? published in Medicinskaya gazeta on March,7 2008
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Global Youth Tobacco Surveillance, 2000 - 2007.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Surveillance Summaries January 25, 2008 / Vol. 57 / No. SS-1. The findings from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) suggest that the estimate of a doubling of deaths from smoking (from 5 million per year to approximately 10 million per year by 2020) might be an underestimate.
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Pics & Videos
A good picture is worth a thousand words.
Russian roulette
Welcome to our replacement smokers
Tobacco kills one of every two smokers. The tobacco industry must replace them.
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Quitting Smoking
"Smoking cessation (stopping smoking) represents the single most important step that smokers can take to enhance the length and quality of their lives." Quitting smoking is not easy, but you can do it. You'll find useful information here.
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Workplace interventions for smoking cessation
Systematic review, Date of Most Recent Substantive Amendment: 19 February 2005
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Telephone counselling for smoking cessation
Systematic review, Date of Most Recent Substantive Amendment: 11 April 2006.
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Silver acetate for smoking cessation
Systematic review, Date of Most Recent Substantive Amendment: 20 May 1997